How to work with the Holy spirit by Apostle Joshua Selman [INTIMACY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT]

This explosive message about the Holy Spirit and how to develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit is preached by Apostle Joshua Selman.

Intimacy with the Holy Spirit is important is important if you want to live with real peace, contentment and joy in life.

“It’s not enough to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You have to get married to Him”

You need to understand the Holy Spirit an also learn to work with Him if you want to have the power to overcome temptation or persevere through adversity in life.

► John 14:16 (KJV);
“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever”

► John 15:26 (KJV)
“But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me”

You need the Holy Spirit to function properly here on earth as a believer. A lot of believers are spiritual illiterates because they have ignored the one who is supposed to teach them things of the spirit.

You have to understand that There is a password and code you use to gain access in the realm of the spirit so you can function properly here on earth.

You need to know how to work with the Holy Spirit and also get intimate with him. That is why this message ‘HOW TO WORK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT’ is a must watch.


1. “Intimacy the system of culmination of marriage”

2. “Those who are not married in the realm of the Spirit are vulnerable”

3. “Life has always been obedient. It only depends on the command given to it and the command is not just given by you alone”

4. “Creation was designed to work in partnership with you to fulfill your destiny”

5. “Anointing is an activator of possibilities”

6. “The anointing does not make the difference, the anointing is the difference”

Download the full audio message and be blessed


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