About Us

Few Words About Us

We the family of God “Christhope” hereby stand in faith to make a covenant before the LORD: to follow the LORD all the days of our lives, to keep His commandments His testimonies and His statutes with all our heart and soul, to perform the words of the covenant that was written in his word In the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. (2 Chronicles 34v31)

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable…

Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering.


Causes Solved


Made With Donations


Events per Year


Bible Study & Sermons

Our Vision

To preach Christ, warning and teaching every soul in all wisdom and present all men perfect in Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit who works mightily in us…(Colossians 1v28-29)


Our Core Value

L- Love: heart of charity to help others.
O- Outreaches: reaching out to the unreached.
V- Volunteers: heart of services to everyone.
E- Excellence: creative ideas to empower the needy.


Our mission

Christ in Us is the hope of glory…(Colossians 1v27)



Cross of Christ (Redemption) Word of GOD (Regeneration) Spirit of GOD (Restoration)




  • Charity
  • Intercession

MOTTO: Christ in us, the hope of Glory

CHURCH LOVE, FAITH LOVE Christ in Us, the hope of Glory
Together We Can Achieve This Vision To preach Christ, warning and teaching every soul in all wisdom and present all men perfect in Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit who works mightily in us
We Care About You Chat with us for your counseling sessions. We are available 24/7 for your family counseling, marriage counseling, personal life issues and general Spiritual growth
Where Needed Most The where needed most (WNM) program is our general support category for charity aid program and also a great opportunity to all who wish to support the kingdom project…visit our support page today for details
Prayer Chain Network These are people with a charitable heart that are willing to intercede for others through our Prayer Chain Network (PCN)…PCN for the kingdom of GOD,PCN for the Salvation of souls, PCN for the body of Christ
Support Our Cause
``NOTHING WILL EVER SEPERATE ME FROM CHRIST`` For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8v38-39)
INTERCESSORS We are looking for those who are willing to join forces with us to pray for the kingdom of GOD through our 3 prayer chain network
Intercede For The Salvation Of Lost Souls.
Intercede For The Body Of Christ (Church).
Intercede For The Kingdom Of GOD To Come.
Become A Volunteer
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