Dear Shepard, We are call to serve in the Lord's Vineyard as a Shepard to feed the Lord's sheep with the truth and right word from the Lord bearing in mind that we are the Shepard representative because the Lord himself is the true Shepard…(John 21v15-17)… With the goal to be chosen after the accomplishment of our calling… (Matthew 22v14)
Our role in raising a born again member that are Rapturable for the Lord
• Preaching the Love of Christ
• Allowing the Holy Spirit to do his work
• Feeding the sheep with the right word
• Teaching your members to have a personal relationship with the Lord
• Raising men that are heavenly conscious and kingdom minded
• Follow up your member to be born again and to remain born again till the end
• Interceding for your members and the body of Christ in general

Who is a Born again?
“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. v4).. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? v5) Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God”… (John 3v3-5)
This verse explains that we all have to be born again to see the kingdom of GOD and that we have to be born of the Spirit to enter the kingdom of GOD.
How can a man be born again? This was the same question Nicodemus asked the Lord? The word of GOD made us to understand that whoever is born of GOD does not commit sin (1 John 3v9) and nothing unholy shall be allowed into the kingdom of GOD (1 Corinthians 6v9-10)…. We all call ourselves Christians but are we truly born again… because been born again is a process.. Starting from the day you’re born of water which is the word till the time you’re been born of the Spirit… that means without you been born of the Spirit our born again is not yet complete…
Our salvation is in 3 process starting from the day we confess the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior… believing in our heart that GOD raised him from the dead.. (Roman 10v9)
• Confession of the Word and believing in our heart…(Initializing born again)
• Sanctification in the word… (born of the water)
• Spiritual birth of the Holy Spirit… (born of the Spirit)
a) Initializing Born again: Confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is the beginning of our Salvation… and we are to genuinely believe it in our heart not just by mouth alone… (here is admission into the school of the Spirit)
• Contrite heart: Our heart needs to broken… This is the work of the Holy Spirit, the persuasion that we need GOD in our lives…everybody needs this internal push in them to respond to the alter call… this internal conviction is very important, it brings that brokenness in us, which all believers need to genuinely desire the presence of the Lord in all humility.
• Savior: We have to understand that we all need a savior… we can’t save ourselves… our self righteousness can’t save us… for all man has sinned and has been cut short of the glory of GOD (Roman 3v23)… even if our Father is a pastor or even a Pope…we need to surrender our life at the foot of the cross for Jesus to save us… for everyone born of a woman automatically inherited the sin of Adam which can only be washed away by the blood of Jesus…
• Lordship: The Lord Jesus becomes our Lord, most Christians don’t actually understand what it really means to call some one your Lord… that means every thing we ever have belongs to that person, we don’t have our own will anymore… his will is now our will, that means we are accountable to him with our life, we can’t live our life anymore the way we desire but only live based on his own desire and wish for our lives bearing in mind that is thought towards is good and not evil…(Jeremiah 29v11) and we are been bought with a price which is the blood of Jesus…(Roman 10v9)
Once we genuinely surrender our lives to Jesus… then the indwelling presence of the Spirit comes into our hearts to abide… we possess the seed of GOD in us which needs to be watered on a daily basis to grow with the word which is our responsibility as a Shepard in the Lords Vine yard … like a farmer planting a seed in the soil or like a pregnant woman carrying a baby… at this stage the woman becomes pregnant, carries the fetus for 9month to undergo formation before birth…
All this we need to make our members to understand that after giving their life to Christ… teaching them to obey the Lord in all things and to always hearken to the voice of the Holy Spirit that now dwells in them to help them to attain perfection in Christ and also seal us all until the day of redemption…(Ephesians 4v30)
b) Born of the water: Our Sanctification in the word; This is the stage of formation after the seed of God (Indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit) has been implanted in us by faith in Christ… the journey of life begins into formation which depends on our obedience to the word of GOD and how we hearken to the voice of the Spirit of GOD in us… (Ephesians 5v26-27)… the kind of believers the Lord is coming for are the one without any blemish, Christians that are pure, holy and accepted before the Lord… To achieve this criteria we all have to be Sanctified through the word which will bring about us been born of the water…firstly we have to be Sanctified with the physical water and the Spiritual water… (here is our matriculation into the school of the Spirit)
• Sanctification by the physical water: this is our baptism… which is by water immersion…This is the stage where most believers thought their salvation process is complete whereby its just the beginning…it has to be by water immersion, the Same way our Lord did this to fulfill all righteousness, we all have to do the same… (Matthew 3v16)… here the heaven was opened unto Jesus, this stage brings about the opening of our heaven and the lightening up of our Spirit man by the Holy Spirit bearing in mind that the Holy Spirit already indwell in us the moment we gave our life to Jesus… each of us have our own heaven and our heaven need to be opened to understand our purpose in life and the vision of GOD for our lives.
• Sanctification by the Spiritual water: This is the word of GOD.. We need to be conformed by the word… (Roman 10v17)… putting our faith to work… (James 2v14-26)… This the stage we get it all wrong by misinterpreting the benefit of Grace upon our lives because we all have to behold Jesus to be like him (2 Corinthians 3v18)…living our day to day life for him alone…here we have to act by
 Working out your Salvation: We all need to still work out our salvation with fear and trembling.. The truth is that Christ has paid the price for all our sin, defeated death and set us free from the captivity of the enemy but we still have one great enemy that we will be the one to fight and overcome which is you… I mean ourselves, our will… not what I want but what Jesus want… because GOD gave us all free will… (Philippians 2 v12)
 Death to self: we all have to be dead to self and alive to GOD… (1 Corinthians 15v31&34)… crucifying the flesh daily –(Roman 6v6)…the formula is Christ have to increase and me decrease.. (John 3 v30)
 Renewal of the mind: Walking in the word of GOD to abide by every word of GOD… (Ephesians 4v17-32)
 Holiness life style: Transformation from our old man to the new man in Christ… shedding all our lust, sinful nature, our weaknesses, all secret sin: Sin that easily beset us…(Hebrews 12v1), Sin we do commit in our closet and appear to men as saint forgetting that the Lord our GOD sees all things even the hidden sin in the deepest part of our heart: Shed all sin and be holy as our Lord is holy.. (1 peter 1 v14-16)
 Seeking the kingdom: Desire of the kingdom of GOD first in all things and all other things shall be added… (Matthew 6v33)
 Love the Lord: Seek to love GOD with all your heart which is only possible by being obedient to him (John 14v15)
 Christ righteousness: Ignoring self righteousness for Christ righteousness which is available to all believers by Grace through our faith in Christ… that means we are not justified by our own works but by the works of faith in him… (2 Corinthians 5v21)
c) Born of the Spirit: This is our Spiritual birth after years of formation in Spiritual womb which is only determined whole heartedly by the Holy Spirit himself… for He's the one who will determine when we will be birth by the Spirit…the only thing we can do… is to keep hearkening to his voiis and instructions because the more we follow his leading in our day to day life… the more we are been transformed to his image so our obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit is a key factor to determine when will be birth by the Spirit… (Here is our graduation from the school of the Spirit but just as a first degree holder from the university) So we still need to grow to a level of Spiritual maturity where the Father can put us to test and we will not fail him So that the Father can entrust things in our hand to handle for him.
Signs that comes with all that are fully born again…(born of the Spirit)
 Any man born of GOD knows GOD and GOD knows him… My sheep knows me and The Lord knows them… my question is this? Do you know the Lord? Does the Lord knows you?… (John 10v14/27)… a man can be manifesting the gift of the Spirit and the Lord might not know him because of iniquity and sin in his life… (Matthew 7v21-23)
 Any man born of GOD doesn’t sin:… (1 John 3v6-10).
 Any man born of GOD will only be doing the will of GOD… over any other will… (John 4v34), to finish up GOD assignment in our hand…(John 6v38)…
 Any man born of GOD will be passionate for souls: Desire to win Soul for Christ as GOD gave all He has to win us back to himself… (Luke 15v7)
 Any man born of GOD bear more fruits: (John 15v5)..
 Any man born of GOD lays his treasure in heaven: (Matthew 6v19-21) for where a mans treasure is, there will your heart be… for his heart will always be after the Lord and his kingdom.
 Any man born of GOD manifest the fruits of the Spirit in his life:…(Galatians 5:16-25).
I challenge us all to rise to the task to raise believers that are born of the Spirit for the Lord because that is the desire of Lord towards all believers in this last days.

• Lord… I rededicate my Life to you today… please have mercy on me and purge away every hidden sin in my life that might made me to be cut short of your glory upon my life… In Jesus mighty name
• Lord… please let me find grace in your sight for you to help me to always hearken to the voice of your Spirit in my life for me to be born of your Spirit all to your glory… in Jesus mighty name
• Lord… Please let me find grace in your sight to finish well after my journey here on earth and to be counted worthy to enter the kingdom of GOD not just to see the kingdom alone but to enter… also help me not to just enter alone but to win more souls that we all can enter the kingdom of GOD alone…. In Jesus mighty name

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